Monday, September 24, 2007
How to do Magic Tricks at Weddings
Pay attention to how the magician involves his audience. Whenever possible, he'll make the effect happen in their hands. And he really does a good job of getting them emotionally involved in the experience.
Also, the video is entirely focused on the audience reactions. This is really good. Your customers don't care about you. They care about the wedding guests. So your promotional materials should be about THEM.
This is how to do magic tricks at weddings
Friday, September 21, 2007
Become a full-time professional magician
Yes, I want to get Randy's book and start my business today
Criss Angel revealed
Let's take this video for example. Criss is performing one of the oldest, dumbest tricks ever. It's so easy, and straight out of Tarbell. Yet, he manages to somehow personalize it, and turn it into this incredibly intimate and emotional interpersonal experience.
Pay attention to the setting. The props, the clothes, the theater.
Pay attention to how he involves the audience.
Pay attention to how he's cut out every unnecessary movement. It all looks so slow and deliberate. This sort of refinement can only come from long rehearsal and refinement sessions.
And look at his attitude. He's not trying to fool anyone. He's trying to share an experience with the people in the audience. He's going on a journey, and bringing them with him.
This guy is a total pro. Here you go: Criss Angel revealed
Free magic tricks online
The first effect you're going to learn is the matrix. The basic concept is simple. You have 4 coins covered by 4 cards. one by one, the coins all vanish from under their cards in order to appear under the final card.
I know there's a 2-card version of this effect. Normally, I would always recommend the cleaner version. But the 4-card version lends itself so well to trade shows.
You see, most companies follow a pyramid strategy when developing their brand identity. They try to structure their messaging in terms of 3 key benefits, and an all-encompassing brand ideology.
So when you're hired to do one of these trade shows, you simply structure the 3 vanishes around each benefit. Write a benefit on the face of each card, so it gets revealed with each vanish. And the last card will be inscribed with a call-to-action, or the key statement that you've been hired to promote.
You only have a limited amount of resources at your disposal, and you need to spread them wisely. (Spread the cards) That's where Acme Systems comes in.
- Acme Systems is less expensive (poof) and that puts money in your pocket
- Acme Systems has excellent support (poof) so you know it's always dependable
- Acme Systems will improve your productivity by 30% (poof) so you get better margins.
- And at the end of the day, that allows you to keep more of your money, while freeing up your time and eliminating unnecessary stress from your life. And today only, we're offering %15 off (Show fourth card with %15 written across the face)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Until you become a famed magician...
This one is for the newbies.
Let’s suppose you’re just starting out. You’ve never even done a card trick before. How do you slap together a show ASAP so that you can get off the ground and start making money in the shortest amount of time?
You don't need to be Lance Burton or Gregg Frewin in order to be a well-paid professional magician.
In order to be a full-time pro, you just need 45 minutes of solid material. It has to be fresh, captivating, well-rehearsed, visual, reliable and commercially attractive.
Guys like David Copperfield spend millions on their shows. They hire the best experts in the business to design original, never-before-seen illusions that blow their audiences away. This is an expensive process that takes a lot of work.
Creation of new material is a long process that required a lot of trial and error. But the big names will take these risks in the name of art.
Thankfully, there is an easier way.
Fact is, people don't like new things. Given the choice, they usually prefer the familiar. They just want to see the same things over and over. And originality is actually a turn-off. Don't believe me? Just open the newspaper and look at the top 3 movies out right now. It's always the same series of clichés.
People like to buy things that feel familiar. They don't want to think.
The average consumer couldn't care less about Houdin's orange tree, or the see-through cups and balls, or whatever super-advanced one-handed triple false cut pass card move you can do. Your customers don't want to see art. They want the same stuff you've seen a thousand times. So just give them what they want.
- Cups and balls
- Chair suspension
- Cut and restored rope
- Linking Rings
- Card to pocket
- Zombie
- Spring snakes in a can
- Break-away wand
The more overplayed the better.
Find simple, adaptable routines and rehearse them to perfection. 20% of your time goes into memorizing and practicing the routine. The other 80% should be spent on rehearsal. (We've already gone over this in a different post)
And keep it clean. Make the jokes super-corny. (Think Bob Saget) No politics, sex or religion. Avoid effects that involve fire, knives or anything else kids might want to imitate.
So now I can hear the moaning. "I want to become a famed magician, and this guy's telling me to do the same tricks as everyone else. I don't want a boring act. I want to be original."
There's nothing wrong with originality. That's art. I love art. Art is my reason for living.
But that's the hard way to make money. When it comes to cash, I like to take the proven easy road. And that’s what this blog is about.
When someone asks about your show, you should be able to just say "cups and balls, bunny from a hat, linking rings". You don't want to be stuck giving a 2 hour explanation about some brass tube with different colored disks. Nobody cases. Keep it simple and easy to communicate.
Of course, famous performers have it easy. When someone asks Chriss Angel about his show, he just say "I do that stuff from TV." He can do that because he’s already become a famed magician.
Since nobody knows your name, you don't have that luxury... yet.
Penn and Teller, David Copperfield. These guys already have established reputations. They already come with built-in credibility. They can afford to be different ant take risks. Nobody pays to "watch a magician produce a tiger from thin air". Instead, they pay to "watch Siegfried and Roy ". But it's very difficult to do this without an established brand and a strong marketing team.
Thankfully, all of these repetitive effects already have established reputations of their own. And you can piggy-back on their fame in order to make easier sales. Best of all, these overplayed effects are usually very portable, reliable, adaptable and easy to perform. That's why everyone does them.
And unlike magicians, laypeople don't care how technically difficult your act is.
Remember, most people have seen fewer than 10 live magic shows in their whole lives. So anything you do will seem imaginative. If you need to make a bunny appear, do it in the safest, easiest and most reliable way possible. Nobody will know the difference.
So to summarize...
You're not a performer. You're a businessperson. It's not about you or the magic. It's about the service you provide and the problems you solve for your customers.
You can build an entire career by sticking to the established meat-and-potato routines.
As you develop your character, and you can add your own stuff. Just make sure to rehearse and put out a quality product.
So give them what they want, and you’ll become a famed magician.
Keyword: become a famed magician
Monday, September 17, 2007
Stronger magic through personalization
In my torn-and-restored card, I don’t ask the spectator to sign the card. Instead, I draw a stick figure and ask them to write the name of someone who’s hurt them in their past. Then, when I tear the card, it becomes like a sort of voo-doo curse. It becomes very personal, and the audience reactions are very emotional.
How can you personalize your magic to your audience?
- If you’re performing abroad, integrate a story about a local landmark that your audience can identify with.
- Performing for a wedding? Structure your routines around romance. Predict the name of their future love.
- Kids party? Make the birthday child into the star of the show.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Magic Blogs Wanted
Just checked the stats. WOW! I'm really impressed with all the attention we've been getting in such a short amount of time. Thanks everyone.
I'm constantly on the lookout for news from the community. If you have a site and would like to be added to our blogroll, simply place a link to us on a prominent area of your site, then send the link to email removed for now
I'll be sure to add you and send some magic blog traffic your way.
Once again everyone... thanks for all the support. I really wasn't expecting this at all.